Drawing by Anne Lehman from the panel discussion: Remembering means changing. Photo: Anne Lehmann.
The project Spuren – Şopên – ίχνη (Traces) is a project of remembrance politics that took place within the framework of the microproject fund of the Capital of Culture Chemnitz 2025. As a kick-off for the debate in Chemnitz about a memorial to the victims of the NSU, a panel discussion was held on the question of what a future memorial to these victims might look like. Two representatives of the educational initiative Ferhat Unvar, Ulf Kallscheidt from the Capital of Culture team, the artist Ulf Aminde (Keupstraßenmahnmal) and Hannah Zimmermann from the project Open Process discussed on the panel. About 60 people participated in the event that took place in the New Saxon Gallery.
You can find the whole panel discussion under this link: https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/720652613/418ed37c8f